Welcome to ORA Network
In July 2014, the ORA Network was founded as an international association in Banja Luka. This happened as a logical continuation of a long-term process, and has grown from the roots.
In 2009 several European organisations launched a dynamic educational process called "ORA", acronym of Observe Rethink Act. This process gathered together Youth Centres, Nature Reserves, environmental NGOs, associations of social promotion, cooperatives, artistic crews, cultural associations and Eco Centres in order to broaden the opportunities of social, cultural, environmental and economical inclusion of young people in the community life.
ORA's concept is to provide directly young people with the opportunity to Observe their own context (both local and international), to Rethink their own role (as individuals and members of society) and to Act as responsible citizens to strengthen community. This common process enriched the efficiency and quality of the work done at grassroots level by every organisation.
In fact, by combining different sets of Non Formal Education methodologies and by using the interaction of several elements related to sustainable living, ORA ensured a positive impact on local dimension and accomplished wider engagement of the young people. In order to make the relationship among the different partners stronger and resting on a long-term platform, it came up the idea to establish an international network among organisations from different European countries in order to draw feasible scenarios, plan common initiatives, co-ordinated actions and project perspectives within the framework of Observe Rethink Act.