Project reportage ORA Multimedia and sustainability for intercultural dialogue and Inclusion of marginalised young people
Cook book
ORA Graphic exhibition
Making of the garden box
Making of a solar oven
ORA event Vasto 2010
Intercultural Art and sustainable living: green bazaar - renewable energy - multimedia exhibition and the live mucis of Motalacuntu
ORA educational workshop Vasto 2010
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
short movie "the present day"
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
ORA Crew Vasto 2010
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
ORA Action in Vasto Marina
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
Thomas Freteur "Double eyes" photos presentation
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
ORA Field visit in Lecceta di Torino di Sangro
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
ORA "art in nature" workshop
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
Think Before Act
The educational workshop on Sustainable Development realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci by the ORA educational team. Restart from the children!
ORA graphic art workshop
ORA graphic art workshop
ORA graphic art workshop
ORA graphic art workshop
The Ekocleaners - O.R.A.
O.R.A. project in Prnjavor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2010. Education and communication for a sustainable living. Movie made by the O.R.A. multimedia workshop. Observe Rethink Act.
O.R.A. multimedia workshop
O.R.A. project Education and communication for a sustainable living. Nobody will stop byChe revolution! Observe Rethink Act
Have a dream - O.R.A.
O.R.A. project in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2010. Education and communication for a sustainable living. Stop motion movie made by the multimedia workshop. Observe Rethink Act.
O.R.A. project Bosnia 2010 (2/2)
O.R.A. project: education and communication for a sustainable future. Prnjavor and Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2010.
O.R.A. project Bosnia 2010 (1/2)
O.R.A. project: education and communication for a sustainable future. Prnjavor and Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2010.
O.R.A. Publiic event
Vasto, Abruzzo, Italy 2009.
The public event of the O.R.A. project in Vasto, Abruzzo, Italy (2009). Green Bazar, public exhibition of video and photography. The music of Piccola underground orchestra and Terre del sud. Observe Rethink Act for a sustainable living.
O.R.A. Educational workshop
O.R.A. Educational workshop is realized in the Nature Reserve of Punta Aderci, Vasto, Italy, July 2009. The task for the international crew is to create new educational tools and to let kids enjoying with solar toys promoting a sustainable life style. Observe Rethink Act together with the children for a better future!
O.R.A. Nature is speaking
Field visit in the Nature Reserve Lago di Penne - produced by O.R.A. communication and awareness workshop - Med connection, Vasto, Italy, July 2009
The communicatin tool ORA is focus on 4 topics of the Sustainable Development. Observe Rethink Act.
Please note:
All media published here in the library are available for shared use free of charge. Please always state the source as "ORA Network,".