Why to join us?

If you share our values and vision, if you want to be active in our mission, you are right in ORA Network. We are a network with a wide and diverse background. From social NGO to social enterprise, from nature reserve to environmental organization, from youth centres to cultural organization is our range.t ogetherwe d evelop skills and share them for better work in our local realities.

Perhaps your skills, expieiences and resources are missing? Perhaps ours can help you? Together we can promote the values of solidarity, cooperation, equal opportunities, intercultural understanding, and respect.

How to join us?

First step is to contact us. For knowing each other in a better way, we will invite you, to participate in one ouf our projects.

According to our statute, new members need to be nominated by one member and recommended by two more. The board can elect to introduce new members with a majority vote of 50 percent plus one.


ORA network
Stendaler Straße 43
12627 Berlin

Statute of ORA Network

ORA Statute EN final.pdf (122.8 KiB)